Sitges Group Apartments



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by Sitges Group Apartments


What is the Sitges Carnival and what is its origin?

Known as "Carnestoltes" in Catalan, the Sitges Carnival is one of the most emblematic and multitudinous celebrations in Catalonia, which takes place every year between the months of February and March. Music, dancing, colors, costumes and a good atmosphere envelop the streets of Sitges every year in an event that attracts about 300,000 people.

It was at the end of the XIX century when it began to have more importance due to the confrontation of two societies (Societat Recreativa El Retiro and the Casino Prado Suburense). Both societies were in constant confrontation, since in the first one were grouped those harmed by industrialization and in the last one those favored by it. The competitiveness between the two associations made the Carnival more and more creative and spectacular.

When is the Sitges Carnival 2024?

From February 8 to 14 you can enjoy all the activities that will fill the streets of Sitges, from children's workshops to the famous parades. With the participation of more than 2,500 people and 50 floats in the different events, more than 300,000 visitors are expected to enjoy all the events to the rhythm of music and festivities.

Sitges Carnival 2024 program

For a week, Sitges will have multiple activities, some of them are already tradition and are expected by all visitors, here we highlight some of the events that will take place from February 8 to 14 starting with the arrival of the King Carnestoltes.

Arrival of His Majesty Carnestoltes: February 8

The Sitges Carnival 2024 is inaugurated with the first big event, which takes place on February 8 (Larder Thursday), with the arrival of His Majesty Carnestoltes in the company of the Carnival Queen. After reading the famous "Predicot", the king and queen, along with their entourages, will proceed to begin the famous route that starts at La Fragata and ends at Cap de la Vila.

Popular Xatonada: February 8

In this Xatonada organized by "Agrupació de Balls populars de Sitges" at the Casino Prado, there will be a surprise performance and there will be a visit from the king and queen, along with their respective retinues. “La Gallofa", a satirical magazine typical of this celebration, will also be handed out.

Rúa d'antes: February 9

For the most nostalgic, on Friday, February 9 will be held this rua that will leave from Cap de la Vila through Bonaire and La Fragata to end at the same starting point. It will be attended by His Majesty Carnestoltes, the Carnival Queen and all the people who want to go in costume. The tour will start at 7:30 pm. 

That same day in the morning, King Carnestoltes will visit the Sitges schools along with the Carnival Queen to prepare the costumes and decorate the classrooms.

Disguised Beds Race: February 10

Sitges Carnival features this traditional race, where the beds, pushed by each team, compete to see which one is the fastest. The race starts at 12 pm and is presented by the Carnival Queen and the Children's Queen. The King Carnestoltes, on the other hand, is in charge of closing the course. 

That same day in the afternoon, from 5 pm to 9 pm, the Tequereque Party will take place, a preamble to the big parades of the Sitges Carnival 2024. Markatú Batuquets and Markatú Batucada will be touring the historic center of town, reminding everyone that on Sunday and Tuesday costumes and floats will be taking over the streets of Sitges.

Children's parade: February 11

In the morning, at 12pm, the children's parade takes to the streets for the little ones to enjoy. A good opportunity to celebrate the Sitges Carnival 2024 with children. The route will start on Avenida Sofia and end at the Cap de la Vila.

Rúa de la Disbauxa: February 11

Carnival Sunday arrives, the most important day of these festivities. The Rúa Disbauxa is a parade in which more than 50 floats and thousands of people in costume parade through the streets of the city. It is considered the largest carnival parade in Catalonia, with more than 3,000 participants: Color, music, good atmosphere, costumes and fun guaranteed. 

The Disbauxa parade starts at 7:30 pm from the end of Avenida Sofia, closing its route at the Cap de la Vila. Once the parade is over, the party continues at the Casino Prado Suburense (Disbauxa Party) until 5 am.

Parade of l'Extermini: February 13

The highlight of the whole carnival is reserved for Tuesday night with the Rúa de l'Extermini, the event with the largest number of visitors and the most famous of the festivities. An unmissable event for those who want to experience the carnival at its peak. 

Burial of His Majesty Carnestoltes (burial of the sardine): February 14

As everything comes to an end, Ash Wednesday pays tribute to the death of His Majesty Carnestoltes, the king of Carnival, with the burial of the sardine. His coffin is carried through the streets of Sitges while the retinue of widows follow him, disconsolate, to the place where the will is read. With this act, the carnival says goodbye until next year.

Sitges Gay Carnival 2024

As a gay tourist destination par excellence (Sitges Gay Pride is internationally known), the city also celebrates the Sitges Gay Carnival, which takes place four days before the official carnival program begins and continues during the celebrations mentioned above.

Pink Night, Mantillas Night, Tourists Night and Widows Night are just some of the special parties that are celebrated by gay bars and nightclubs in town such as Sauna Sitges, The Parade or La Locacola, among others.


From Sitges Group Apartments we recommend you to stay in our apartments to comfortably enjoy this celebration and have quick and easy access to each of the events taking place. Book now!

Sitges Soul Penthouse

C. Jesús, 36, Sitges
Enjoy our duplex Sitges Soul Penthouse, where you can enjoy the terrace all the beautiful town. Designed for rest and relaxation. Book now!
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    Max. Occupancy 7/P

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    2 bedrooms

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    2 bathrooms

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    Piso 3

Ocean Front 2

Passeig de la Ribera, 44, Sitges
On the esplanade, our Ocean Front 2 is a great place to enjoy unbeatable views
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    Max. Occupancy 8/P

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    3 bedrooms

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    2 bathrooms

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    Piso 3

Blue&White 2

C. Bonaire, 25, Sitges
The Blue & White 2 apartment is in the heart of Sitges, just minutes from the beach, so you can wander the streets of the city.
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    Max. Occupancy 4/P

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    2 bedrooms

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    1 bathroom

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    Piso 2

Lucas House 1-1

C. Sant Bonaventura 31-33, Sitges
This is a cosy, fully furnished 100 m2 apartment. It has a balcony off the dining area.
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    Max. Occupancy 6/P

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    3 bedrooms

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    2 bathrooms

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    Piso 1